We’re good at more than just radio. (Though it’s still our favourite.)
Media buying, digital, broadcast, print, outdoor, out of the box, and we do so in the most compelling, audacious, intriguing, knowledgeable, practiced, insightful, experienced way possible.
We like to listen. We’ve been told we’re very good listeners.
We also do lots and lots of pro bono work, because we really do love making ads, and we’re really lucky we get to do it.
There are two things we strongly believe in: the importance of hard work and the power of great creative. When you’re small and tend to work with smaller budgets, your most powerful weapons are hard work and great creative. It’s how we’ve grown businesses in the past and how we plan to continue to grow our clients’ businesses. Dedication to creative shows up in the direct mail, television and radio campaigns, brochures, newspaper ads and events we’ve executed.
It even shows up in the on-hold messaging and door knockers we create. It all matters.
We don’t want to be the biggest agency in Atlantic Canada. We’d rather be the most respected agency in the region. And we plan on doing that by continuing to produce work that gets noticed, work that people like, work that makes our clients’ businesses more successful.
Making your advertising dollars work means more than writing a great ad or ad campaign. We give your ad dollars value by placing your message in spaces where it will be seen, heard and appreciated by your target audience. By being aggressive, smart and living within the media market we buy space in, we offer smaller prices than larger media buying companies.
When you buy media through us you get the security of knowing that there is someone listening to the radio spots, watching TV spots and checking up on billboards and posters. So if there’s a problem we’ll pick up the phone and do whatever it takes to solve it as quickly as possible.